Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ave Maria University School of Law

...has highest Michigan Bar test scores, for a Florida-based institution. Or at least that's what this article would make you believe (Hat tip: FUMARE).

By Healy's logic, I suppose this means that the law school has the "ear" of the Pope, since we are part of the University, and it's provost was a former student of the Pope, and knows him well because he once had a beard, and, nevermind.

My commentary, posted over at FUMARE, is below.

This just shows that the uprooting of AMSOL from Michigan to Florida is in its last phase (at least in the minds of the BOG and Executive Team).And make no mistake - Monaghan, the ET, and the BOG will try to blow up AMSOL in MI just as they did AMC in Michigan.

Those that actually cared about AMC in Michigan were asked to present a plan to the powers that be that would detail how a viable college could remain in MI, even with AMU starting up in FL. A very detailed (and feasible) plan was presented and immediately rejected by Tom Monaghan and the Board, who claimed it was unworkable.However, Tom and Co. could then claim that they asked for input and a viable plan for keeping something intact in MI, but nothing feasible was offered.Earlier this year, Monaghan sent a letter to an AMSOL professor and asked that the faculty come up with a plan to fund AMSOL independently of the Ave Maria Foundtion.

This is a ruse that will be used against the faculty and all those who wish to keep the school in MI and independent of Monaghan, for no matter how good such a plan might be, it will be rejected and used as another reason for the necessity to move AMSOL to FL and reap some "projected" windfall from the Ave Maria Town real estate venture.

It's unnerving to think that AMSOL's Board of Governors have allowed the future of the law school to be completely dependent on "projected" money from a Florida enterprise which is an economic disaster right now.

But luckily the ABA is on the job, and likely wouldn't extend any kind of accreditation to the Florida mess...


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