Friday, May 05, 2006

Aliens invade Naples, Florida?

Not to be upstaged by our friends over at FUMARE, we offer the following news of the weird:
Laser Light Blinds Sheriff's Helicopter Pilot
NAPLES, Fla. -- A sheriff's pilot was temporarily blinded when someone aimed a green laser into his helicopter's cockpit, authorities said.
Two Collier County sheriff's pilots were searching for a loud party in Naples last Friday when the laser beam was directed into their cockpit, sheriff's Lt. Mark Cherney said.
One of the pilots was wearing night vision goggles, which amplified the beam and temporarily blinded him.
The pilot suffered severe headaches and it remains unclear if the laser caused lasting damage to his eyes, Cherney said. The other pilot was not injured by the beam.
It is a felony to point a laser at an aircraft. No one has been charged in the attack.
"We have some leads," Cherney said. "We're looking for more."


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