Friday, December 16, 2005

Who are the new Board of Governors for Ave Maria Law?

On Wednesday, the AMSL BoG held a meeting where, among other things, they were supposed to elect four new members to replace the outgoing governors, which include Professor Rice. It is now Friday and there has still been no word on these new members who will help to shape the future of the law school. We call on the Dean to release this information promptly.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger YoBro Administrator said...

I am a little confused concerning your post. First you claim that you were at this meeting, but then you go on to say that you asked another member of the administration about this meeting and then tell us what she told you. So your information is hearsay at best. Also, a number of people at the meeting have expressed disbelief at the Dean's comments that the meeting was not about any union, as they have said that was all that was talked about. Combine this with the fact the meeting was called on no notice (pulling some staff out of proctor duty), at a time when the organizing employee could not make it, along with the fact that the Dean won't release the minutes of the meeting. When the Dean comes forward and gives the minutes of the meeting, then we will see who is instigating lies, but until then, it's business as usual, with a complete lack of transparency coming from his office. We also know, unfortunately, that some will defend the Dean and Monaghan no matter what proof is presented to them, and for those we can only pray that they will wake up...

At 10:58 PM, Blogger YoBro Administrator said...

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At 11:00 PM, Blogger YoBro Administrator said...

Winston et al,

For those who think this blog and all of the alumni who would dare attack the school, TM, or BD are liars and are out to get the school, I would remind you of the following Wanderer story:

(print date September 29, 2005)
As this issue of The Wanderer goes to press, rumors are swirling around Ann Arbor that Dr. Rice will not be reappointed - rumors that the law school dean, Dr. Bernard Dobranski, says "are not accurate."
From Lynchburg, Va., where he was on his way to the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars meeting in Charlotte, N.C., Dr. Dobranski told The Wanderer in a telephone interview that he does not know what recommendation the nominating committee of the board will make with regard to reappointing Dr. Rice, adding: "why the confidential deliberations of the board are even being discussed is very strange to me."
"I simply do not know what will happen, " he reiterated, concerning Rice's appointment.

So either a vast conspiracy got together and decided to make up a story that Prof. Rice would be kicked off the board, and then the board decided that must be a great idea and we'll do that, or in fact, we had it right from the start. Please present evidence to show anything on this blog is not factual, because we have not been proved wrong on anything yet.


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