Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Break Massacre at Ave Maria School of Law?

There is fear among students and alumni at AMSOL of a Christmas Break Massacre. What prompted these fears? Since the Dean’s meeting with students after the September Board meeting, many students and alumni have expressed concern that some faculty and administration would not be around much longer. Why the apprehension about Christmas firings? Many point to the fact that most students would be away, and that this time –or the summer – would present a window of opportunity for Mr. Monaghan and the Dean to dismiss anyone who took a stand for Charlie Rice and against what many view to be the “sole proprietorship” problem emerging at AMSOL.

Of course, the events of the past week in which the BoG rewrote the bylaws to eject Professor Rice from his Life Governor position, as well as the Dean's intimidation of staff members not to join a contemplated union have heightened these concerns...

Many alumni contacted by this blogger said that any adverse move against staff or faculty will be met with a forceful response, including the withdrawal of financial and public support of the law school...


At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that the BoG is reading these blogs and realize that this is not some fringe group of alums, faculty, etc, but rather a substantial majority. It should be clear to any outsider that there is severe turmoil and strife within the law school and all is not well.

A line has been drawn in the sand.

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Thomas Peters said...

firing people and making major policy changes during the summer (when everyone is out of touch with each other) happened REGULARLY the last 3 years I was at ave maria college... it's a tactic TM and his cronies have certainly used before.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger SGF said...

Ha ha, Corey, you're so busted.

Of course, we also would have figured out it was you if you posted using your Yahoo handle as well.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger SGF said...

This question was asked over at Fumare, and not really answered, but what benefit, exactly, is there to be gained by dissolving the Alumni Association as it currently exists in favor of one existing as an entirely separate entity from the school? I think an independant organization would be a good idea, but must it be one or the other?

If alumni are out of the loop now, when they have regularly scheduled meetings, through their representatives, with the Dean, what will be the outcome of an entirely separate organization? Someone floated the idea of an organization that would meet off campus, and the Dean would be invited to give a report and then excused for private alumni discussion. Is there anyone who thinks that that sort of organization, as the sole existent alumni association, would be able to accomplish anything that the current organization is not? Or would have greater information collection capabilities? Or wield more power in decisions being made at the school?

Now, the independant association as I have characterized it may be a bit of straw man. So if anyone in the "indpendant AA" camp could explain what such an association would look like, and what the benefits of it would be, such explanation would be very helpful.


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